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Watch the gripping gameplay reveal for ‘Six Days In Fallujah’

Six Days In Fallujah

Publisher Victura has revealed the action-packed gameplay that players will get to experience in Six Days In Fallujah.

The gameplay reveal, which was shared by IGN, includes clips of gameplay as well as context and explanations by Sergeant Jason Kyle, who led a team of Marines in several real-world missions that the game was based on.

Watch the gameplay reveal below.

The gameplay clip shows that the game will use “procedural architecture” technology to remap the game every time it is played. The technology will essentially create a new map every time, making it impossible for players to breeze through missions. Instead, they will have to rely on their instincts and approach every mission with extreme caution.

Sergeant Adam Banotai said in an interview with IGN: “Clearing an unfamiliar building or neighbourhood is terrifying. You have no idea what’s about to happen, and this is one of the reasons we experienced such high casualties”.

The gameplay reveal also shows that players will be able to control their squad. This will play out through a series of hand motions that players can use to get their team to move a specific location, breach doors and lay down suppressive fire in a direction pointed out by players.

Six Days In Fallujah is scheduled to release later this year on PC and consoles. The game has long been considered controversial since it was first announced in 2009. Victura released a statement earlier this month saying that it understands the events are inseparable from politics, and that it will deliver a complex experience.

The post Watch the gripping gameplay reveal for ‘Six Days In Fallujah’ appeared first on NME.

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