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Paradox Interactive makes games free on Steam during PDXCon Remixed

Crusader Kings III Paradox Interactive Story Trailer

Paradox Interactive has made Stellaris, Cities: Skylines, and Surviving Mars free as part of its digital convention PDXCon Remixed.

Publisher and developer Paradox Interactive has made three of their biggest titles free for this weekend, as part of a Steam Sale that is running alongside its digital fan convention.

The games are currently available to play for free until 7pm BST on May 23. Stellaris and Surviving Mars available for 75 per cent off in the sale, and Cities: Skyline is available for 80 per cent off.

Crusader Kings III and Empire Of Sin are also in the sale, and both games saw updates announced during PDXCon.

Empire Of Sin will be getting two expansions. The first is a free update called The Precinct, and the second will be a paid expansion called Make It Count. Both are slated for release later this year.

The Precinct expansion will see neighbourhoods split into smaller chunks which are managed on an individual basis, as well as a range of new win conditions.

Make It Count will see the introduction of a new gang boss, Meyer Lansky, and his group of gangsters “The Fixers”. The expansion will also introduce a new string of story missions featuring this new gang.

Empire Of Sin
Empire Of Sin. Credit: Romero Games

Crusader Kings III also saw the announcement of Royal Court, a new expansion which will give players a full visual representation of their throne room within the game, if they reach the status of Monarch during a campaign.

Royal Court will also let players “hold court” to interact with vassals and courtiers. By raising their “grandeur” through improving the decorations and food of their at the court, players will also be able to attract higher quality guests, and impress allies and rivals.

In other PDXCon news, the developer announced Victoria 3, the long-awaited sequel to its grand strategy title, Victoria 2It has been 11 years since the last release in the series, and Paradox promises that the game will focus on the tumultuous changes at the heart of the Victorian era.

The post Paradox Interactive makes games free on Steam during PDXCon Remixed appeared first on NME.

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