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‘Final Fantasy 14’ cracks down on real money trading with over 900 bans

Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 14 is cracking down on real money trading in-game, with over 900 accounts already terminated.

In a new Lodestone blog post, Square Enix has confirmed it has started banning Final Fantasy 14 accounts owned by players who are trading or advertising the sale of real money in the MMO.

“Real money trading (RMT) and other illicit activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited under the Terms of Service,” the post reads.

Square Enix stated that a number of players that were engaging in these illicit activities have therefore been banned, with 858 accounts terminated for participation in RMT and prohibited activities, and 81 terminated for RMT advertising between January 20 and January 26.

Final Fantasy 14
Final Fantasy 14. Credit: Square Enix

The developer also requested that any players who discover these exploits should, “under no circumstances, take advantage of or disseminate such information.” Square Enix asks players to file a reported instead by using the in-game command: [System Menu] -> [Support Desk] -> [Contact Us] -> [Report Cheating]. Players can also be reported by right-clicking the character’s name in the chat log to report for RMT activity.

“We will continue to take stringent disciplinary action against any accounts involved in RMT/prohibited activities. Players should take care to avoid any activities that violate the Terms of Service,” the developer added.

Elsewhere, Square Enix has confirmed that the next Final Fantasy 14 Letter from the Producer will take a look at the next 10 years of the MMO. The Live Letter, which will take place on February 19, will once again be hosted by the game’s director and producer Naoki Yoshida who will be sharing information on what’s in store for the future of Final Fantasy 14.

During the second half of the broadcast, Yoshida will also be answering questions related to the recently released Endwalker expansion.

In other news, new information about Final Fantasy 7 Remake part two is set to be revealed sometime this year, according to the game’s producer Yoshinori Kitase.

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